Tuesday, June 26, 2012


NSGA-II is an algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization using GA presented by Deb. By determining cost functions, number of design variables and their value ranges, chromosomes length, number of initial population and number of generations, you can start optimizing. Here you can download NSGA-II VB.NET and MATLAB source codes which also supports Robust Optimzation (RBDO and RDO).

VB.NET NSGA-II Application


Unknown said...

Thank for sharing NSGA II Matlab code. May I know whether the code is capable of handling constrains ?

Mohandes Zalatan said...

Your Welcome my friend and sorry for answering too late.
Nope it can not handle constrains.

Unknown said...

Hello, thanks a lot for posting these codes!!! Will prove useful, I bet. Do you know by any chance where can I get a C# code for NSGA-2 ? I really need it. And thanks again in advance :-)

Mohandes Zalatan said...

Hello Gabriel!
Sorry for answering late...
I think jMetal.NET library includes C# NSGA-II source code. You can check that from the link below:

Good LucK

gomanam15010 said...

hi dear friend
i want do robust optimization but i dont know how use this code in robust optimization. in deterministic optimization i adapt cf.m and main.m and run the code ...in robust optimization what i am doing?

Mohandes Zalatan said...

Hi gomanam15010!
Sorry for answering late...
In Probabilistic-based design optimization there are two main categories: RBDO and RDO.
In RBDO, probability of failure (PoF) of cost functions should be minimized for number of random samples.
In RDO, the mean of a cost function should extremized while its variance is going to be minimized.

The RBDO.m and RDO.m files demonstrate a simple definition of these categories.

Good LucK

Unknown said...

The C source code of NSGA-II and others is available at:

Anonymous said...

What specific problems can this code solve?